
Check out our recent featured articles, reviews, projects, and more.

  • (Con)textualizing Disability: Building Empathy through Children’s Literature (9/11/2016) - Creators: Erica Boulay-Ali, Melissa Johnson, Aleisha Smith and Ali Zimmerman Project Context: As a special education teacher, I am always looking for ways to help students with special needs improve their self-esteem, and to create a safe learning environment for them within the school as a whole. This means helping mainstream students recognize and include students…
  • Beat the Summer Slide: Reading lists, activities, events and more! (5/3/2017) -   With the school year coming to a close, you may be hearing a lot about the summer slide. So, just what is it? Well, while it might sound like a fun summer activity, in education circles it refers to the phenomena that occurs when students, especially those from low-income families, lose the academic gains…
  • BOOK BRIEFS: African American Children’s Literature (2/15/2017) - Have you heard about the courage of Fannie Lou Hamer? How about Harlem songbird Florence Mills? From activists and entertainers to courageous youngsters and track stars, you’ll find stories that inspire. Celebrate Black History Month by exploring these titles (and accompanying resources) from renowned African-American writers, artists, and activists.  For more titles, check out Black…
  • Exploring Banned & Challenged Books: And Tango Makes Three (7/28/2017) - And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, illustrated by Henry Cole, a picture book that recounts the true story of two male Penguins, Roy and Silo, that hatch and raise a chick as part of their family at New York Central Park Zoo, received more challenges than any other book in the US…
  • Review: Words with Wings by Nikki Grimes (8/1/2017) - “Dad is the the dreamer and Mom is a maker. I’ve been thinking, maybe I can be both.” Words with Wings by Nikki Grimes is a contemporary novel and verse with a gentle, imaginative young protagonist- Gabrielle( named after the angel Gabriel because,” he was so fierce people fainted at the very sight of him”). …